Official Logo for Pokemon Go Coordinates

Global Pokémon GO community with over 100,000 Members

Pokemon Go Coordinates Logo

Pokemon Go Coordinates Logo
Pokemon Go Coordinates | Discord Coordinates Preview

    function RefreshCoordinates() { var Refresh= "Action failed. | "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(Refresh); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("RefreshCoordinates").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'You are not authorized!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'You are not authorized!' + ''; }, 500); }

      function RefreshCoordinates2() { var Refresh= "Action failed. | "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(Refresh); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("RefreshCoordinates2").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'You are not authorized!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'You are not authorized!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Logo

        We are a global Pokémon GO Community primarily based on Discord with over 100,000 members worldwide. We are providing a free platform for trading, raiding, search tools and much more since 2018.

        Connect with us 🔗


        This server is based on the mobile game Pokémon GO. The game is special because it's in game map on which you play features streets, buildings, parks and other structures based on the real world using data similar to Google Maps.To move around in the game, you have to walk around with your phone in real life. Your phone's GPS will update your position inside the game and make your character walk. The main goal is to move around to haunt Pokémon that spawn all around the world and to visit places of interests, called PokéStops. They will give you items, that you can then use to catch more Pokémon and to further progress in the game.The whole concept of using your real life location to play the game helped to make it a global hit when it first launched in 2016. It attracted millions of players and was the biggest mobile game at the time. Even years after its launch, Pokémon GO still is one of the most played mobile games worldwide.

        Spoofing in
        Pokémon GO

        Many people don't have the ability to play the game properly, as they are not able to move around in the real world due to many different reasons, lncluding political restrictions, environmental factors or more commonly, disabilities. Luckily, there is another option for people affected by these things. This option is called 'Spoofing'. Spoofing allows you to move around in the game by manipulating your phone's GPS signal using external applications, called 'Spoofers'. It's important to note that this is considered cheating by Niantic, the company behind the game. Spoofing can put your account at risk of getting banned and might even get you banned permanently.

        Our Purpose

        Generally speaking, our platform exists to connect Pokémon GO Trainers from all around the world to interact with each other. We have places to chat, trade and raid with each other. We also provide tips and tricks to improve your strategies. Primarily, we share locations of rare Pokémon spawns all around the world. This can be used by both legit players and spoofers. Roughly 100,000 coordinates are shared in our Discord every day, and we are constantly working on improving our system.

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Logo
        Pokemon Go Coordinates Event Banner

        Bug Out 2025

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Bonuses Icon


        Pokemon Go Coordinates Test Image

        2× XP for Nice Throws catches or better

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Test Image

        Lure Modules will attract Sizzlipede

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Test Image

        Increased Candy for Nice Throws or better

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Test Image

        Increased chance to encounter Shiny Wurmple and Shiny Venipede

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Test Image

        Additional Pokémon might appear near lured PokéStops

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Spawns Icon


        The following Pokémon from the Galar region will make their debuts:

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Graphics Icon

        Graphics 5

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Event Graphic 1

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Event Graphic 2

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Event Graphic 3

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Event Graphic 4

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Event Graphic 4

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Spoofing Banner


        Below you find tutorials for all popular Spoofing applications as well as information on the Pokémon GO Cooldown-rules.

        YouTube tutorials for all the popular spoofing applications in Pokémon GO.

        List of actions that do & do not trigger your cooldown in Pokémon GO.

        Check your required waiting time for each teleport distance in Pokémon GO.

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        Cooldown Triggers

        Actions that do
        trigger cooldown

        • Catching a wild Pokémon

        • Attemping to spin a Pokéstop

        • Dropping a Pokéball on encounter

        • Feeding a wild Pokémon

        • Placing a Pokémon in a gym

        • Feeding a gym defender

        • Fighting in gym battles

        • Using a Gotcha device

        • Pokémon fleeing from a softban

        Actions that don't
        trigger cooldown

        • Teleporting

        • Encountering a wild Pokémon

        • Remote feeding a gym defender

        • Autowalking

        • Hatching eggs

        • Claiming quest and weekly rewards

        • Catching a quest reward Pokémon

        • Speed raiding

        • Sending and opening gifts

        • Evolving a Pokémon

        • Powering up a Pokémon

        • Trading a Pokémon

        • Transferring a Pokémon

        • Taking snapshots of a Pokémon

        • Changing a Buddy

        • Gaining Buddy candies

        • Using any item on a Pokémon

        • Unlocking second move for a Pokémon

        • Using Incense, Lucky Egg or Starpiece

        • Deleting items from storage

        • Player vs player battles (PvP)

        • Fighting Team Leaders

        • Placing Lures on a Pokéstop

        • Purchasing coins / shop items

        • Changing of avatar items / clothes

        • Transferring a Pokémon to Switch

        • Activating a Mystery Box

        • Catching Pokémon from Photobombs

        • Obtaining a free raid pass by clicking a gym with an active raid

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        Cooldown Times

        Here's how long you need to wait between your teleports after performing a Cooldown Trigger to avoid a softban.

        1 km 3 minutes
        10 km 8 minutes
        20 km 13 minutes
        30 km 18 minutes
        40 km 22 minutes
        50 km 24 minutes
        75 km 26 minutes
        100 km 30 minutes
        125 km 33 minutes
        150 km 36 minutes
        200 km 42 minutes
        300 km 50 minutes
        500 km 64 minutes
        700 km 80 minutes
        1000 km 100 minutes
        1250 km 118 minutes
        1275+ km 120+ minutes

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        Verified guides on how to install and use Spoofing applications for Pokémon GO. Updated for 2025Warning: Spoofing is considered cheating and can get your account banned!

        Pokemon Go Coordinates GPX-Routes Banner

        GPX-Routes can be used to autowalk certain pathways with high amounts of PokéStops, Clusters and Arenas for maximum efficiency.

        Pokemon Go Coordinates USA Banner

        San Francisco, US

        function copySF1GPXCoordinates() { var SF1GPXCoordinates = "Outdated script. | "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(SF1GPXCoordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("SF1GPX").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        Our picks for the 10 best places for Pokémon GO. Filled with PokéStops, Arenas, Player Activity and Clusters!

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        1 Zaragoza, Spain

        function copyZ1Coordinates() { var Z1Coordinates = "41.661102,-0.895190 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(Z1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("Z1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates USA Banner

        2 New York City, United States

        function copyNYC1Coordinates() { var NYC1Coordinates = "40.75512,-73.9836 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(NYC1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("NYC1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        3 Central Park, United States

        function copyNYC2Coordinates() { var NYC2Coordinates = "40.7803,-73.9630 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(NYC2Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("NYC2").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        4 San Francisco, United States

        function copySF1Coordinates() { var SF1Coordinates = "37.8095,-122.4101 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(SF1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("SF1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        5 Union Square, United States

        function copyUS1Coordinates() { var US1Coordinates = "37.7879,-122.4074 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(US1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("US1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        6 Los Angeles, United States

        function copyLA1Coordinates() { var LA1Coordinates = "33.8119,-117.9190 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(LA1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("LA1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        7 Santa Monica Pier, United States

        function copySMP1Coordinates() { var SMP1Coordinates = "34.010090,-118.496948 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(SMP1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("SMP1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        8 Minnesota, United States

        function copyM1Coordinates() { var M1Coordinates = "45.0301,-93.31957 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(M1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("M1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        Pokemon Go Coordinates Cooldown Triggers Banner

        9 Salt Lake City, United States

        function copySLC1Coordinates() { var SLC1Coordinates = "40.7442,-111.8748 "; navigator.clipboard.writeText(SLC1Coordinates); var targetDiv = document.getElementById("SLC1").querySelector('.button'); var currentText = targetDiv.innerHTML; targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; setTimeout(function() { targetDiv.innerHTML = '' + 'Coordinates copied!' + ''; }, 500); }

        10 Honorable mentions:

        🇲🇽 Alameda, Mexico
        🇧🇷 Sao Paulo, Brazil
        🇭🇺 Budapest, Hungary
        🇳🇿 Auckland, New Zealand
        🇹🇷 Antayla, Turkey
        🇮🇳 Kanpur, India
        🇯🇵 Tokyo, Japan
        🇫🇷 Paris, France
        48.8615, 2.2893
        🇦🇺 Sidney, Australia
        🇮🇩 Bali, Indonesia
        🇬🇧 London, United Kingdom
        🇰🇷 Seoul, South Korea
        🇩🇰 Copenhagen, Denmark
        55.662518, 12.562171
        🇳🇱 Den Haag, Netherlands